Ask the OOG

Answer: The Wisconsin Open Meetings Law ensures that...

Answer: Records retention is a subject that is generally related to, but different from, the access requirements imposed by...

Answer: Under the Wisconsin Open Meetings Law, there are several options available when an individual believes a...

Answer: The Wisconsin Public Records Law permits an authority to impose a fee upon a requester but only for four specific...

Answer: The answer depends on what is reflected in the meeting minutes. So long as the minutes record all motions and roll-...

Answer: The public records law authorizes requesters to inspect or obtain copies of “records” created or maintained by an...

Answer: First, it is helpful to define “quorum.” A...

Answer: The Wisconsin Public Records Law provides several courses of action for a requester dissatisfied with an authority’...

Answer: Wisconsin public records law does not require an authority to respond to a public record request within a certain...

Answer: The Wisconsin Open Meetings Law requires that public notice of every meeting of a governmental body must be...
